The Six Figure Story Generator

Crush Writer's Block and Create Endless Plot Points

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Create The Perfect Combination of Page Turning Plot Points

& Conflict That Will Keep Readers Captivated

There are 3 pitfalls authors experience when plotting their stories:

ONE: No conflict at all.

  • You’re an author who has a hard time coming up with ideas and end up with flat pages or flat chapters in your story.
  • You can write entire chapters where characters are just living without purpose and, to a reader, it seems very slow.
  • This creates the dreaded saggy middle. Saggy middles are boring and lose readers' interest.

TWO: A conflict that isn’t actually a conflict.

  • You’ve built suspense, implying that something exciting or dangerous is about to happen, but then you get there and it’s not actually a real conflict.
  • Now your story is unrelatable and unbelievable and, again, this causes readers to lose interest.

THREE: A conflict that doesn't fit your characters, story, or tone.

  • When a plot point comes out of left field or a character who makes a decision that doesn't fit their personality or history, the believability and cohesion of the story’s universe is destroyed and the book is ruined for the reader.

There is a way to avoid these pitfalls and write a story that is full of conflict that readers will love.

Hi, I’m Nicole. I’m a dystopian author and a member of Rebecca Hamilton’s 7 Figure Author Career team. I've worked as a blurb editor, blurb writer, line editor, language fix editor, proofreader, appointment setter, and, most importantly, plotter. And I want to help you fill your plotting structure with plot points unique to your story tone, characters, and universe.

  1. No more saggy middles.
  2. No more boring pages.
  3. No more false conflict.


wall-to-wall conflict that poses real problems with high stakes and high tension that makes your story flow, and get your readers addicted.

I’m proud to introduce…

The Six Figure Story Generator

A 6-video lesson mini-course to help authors create endless plot points & conflicts that will keep readers coming back for more.

Whether you’re brand new to writing fiction, been at this for a while without progress, or have made some progress, but you've gotten stuck, The Six Figure Story Generator is perfect for authors at any level.

[Yes, I Want This!]

Take a Look Inside:

Lesson 1: Why You Need the Plot Point Generator
Introduction and how to get started.

Lesson 2: Setting Up The Magic
Step-by-step walkthrough setting up everything you need in a way that will save you time and money.

Lesson 3: Building a Character Profile

Three video tutorials to generate ideas for character backstory, wounds, positive and negative traits, fears, coping mechanisms, quirks, motivations, flaws that will make it impossible for your readers to get bored.

Lesson 4: Using Your Character Profile to Load the Generator (Spreadsheet Style)

Load your generator spreadsheet with character profiles from Lesson 3. The spreadsheet is customizable to your story, your genre, your writing style, and your plotting style.

Lesson 5: Using Your Character Profile to Load the Generator (Auto-Tool Style)

Access to our proprietary Plot Point Generator Auto-Tool for up to 8 characters and how to load it with your character profiles from Lesson 3.

Lesson 6: Using the Plot Point Generator Spreadsheet or Auto-Tool

How to generate plot points that are believable and compelling for any genre, character, or tone with our proprietary auto-tool.

BONUS Lesson: Finding Worldbuilding Inspiration in Real Life

Secret plotting method that will prevent you from ever running out of ideas again.

After working through the 6 content videos, you will:

  • quickly generate basic plots, advanced plots, or chapter beats for any genre.
  • have a never ending flow of plot point ideas that keeps readers interested and wanting more.
  • easily create conflict that will pose real problems with high stakes and high tension that makes sense in your story.

Who is The Six Figure Story Generator for?

  • Both new and established fiction authors who are worried that their book isn’t going to sell
  • Both plotter and panster authors (we don’t discriminate)
  • Authors who are ready to work smarter not harder to create gripping plot points and conflict with an automatic tool
  • Authors who enjoy self-led learning without having to search for (usually unhelpful) information on YouTube


How much time is required?

The course is broken into bite-sized chunks so you can spend 30 minutes working for six days, or you can work at your own pace - faster or slower based on your schedule.

Is there a community with this product?

Feel free to join us in our Facebook Group, Writing and Marketing Strategies for Authors

Is everything available immediately?

Yes, once the course is purchased, you will immediately be emailed a link to log in via Teachable, the course-hosting site.

How long do I have access to the content?

You have lifetime access to the course content.

What tools are required for this course?

There are no tools required, however, we do recommend becoming a member of one of our recommended sites for $10 a month. (We are not an affiliate.) We only recommend it because the cost is well worth it based on the time you’re going to save. You can benefit from this course even without that.


When mapping out plot points and conflict, if you’re thinking…

  • I'm not creative enough.
  • Where do you get all these ideas?
  • I need help brainstorming.

Or on the opposite end, you're so creative that you never run out of ideas, but don't know the right ones to choose to keep your readers interested and wanting more…

this is your sign to stop wasting your time and start revolutionizing your plotting workflow to write books that keep your readers wanting more.

Get The Six Figure Story Generator & Keep Your Readers Wanting More!

Start now and Get Instant Access!

Your Instructor

Nicole Adrianne
Nicole Adrianne

Nicole Adrianne is a full-time volunteer, cat lover, and tech enthusiast. She lives in Stockholm, Sweden, with her four cats, where she not only survives but thrives on the spectrum. When she’s not busy creating lush dystopian worlds, she’s probably cooking an adventurous new recipe, learning a foreign language, reading a thrilling novel, or watching Star Wars. Learn more about her work on LinkTree!

Frequently Asked Questions

When does the course start and finish?
The course starts now and never ends! It is a completely self-paced online course - you decide when you start and when you finish.
How long do I have access to the course?
How does lifetime access sound? After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like - across any and all devices you own.
What if I am unhappy with the course?
We would never want you to be unhappy! If you are unsatisfied with your purchase, contact us in the first 30 days and we will give you a full refund.

Get started now!